The handknits from Gabrielle Galeine (Alias La laine de Galeine) have finally ariived in the 21st century !!!! YUPPIEEE !!!!
I do not know if you have previously read my blog about the création of my site If you have you know that it has been an epic on a GIGANTIC scale. After that 1st step, nothing can stop me ! So…

My handknits on Facebook
Guess what ?
Well, on four beautiful mornings, I went to Ploufragan ! It seems that I am spending my time there…
Actually, it wasn’t nice mornings at all. On the 2 first days, it was raining.
Then, a new road has been designed to reach the CMA training center and I got lost on both days… On the 1st day early morning, I found myself on a lane so FULL OF POT HOLES I thought I was going to stay there… Bump bump hole! Bump bump hole! And bump bump hole! As best I could, I finally arrived at my destination.
Et voilà ! My very first publication on FACEBOOK ! A little bucket hat made of cotton, adorned with flowers…petit bob en coton adorné de fleurs… After all, spring is nearly here, isn’t it?
My handknits on Instagram
On the 3rd day, an hour of driving under a torrential rain and I left home early because of a VIOLENT WIND weather warning.
Of course my sense of orientation had not got better since the previous week and my satnav sent me again on a mystery tour around Saint-Brieuc, then twice around Ploufragan, sending me through the same Bump Bump Hole lane than befor !
YEP! My taste of adventure was more than satisfied!
I am now on INSTAGRAM !!!! WOW ! Indeed, I amaze myself… 15 publications so far . Hell, I’m on a roll! Doing child steps however. Of course, in a few weeks I will be running!
I am in a creation frenzy. So I got all my cottons and silks out! As well as accessories, I am currently knitting and crocheting some tops for the summer. Well now, I just have to get them ready to publish on my website…
Do you think that to learn how to take some beautiful pictures, I should get… to Ploufragan?