Irish tweed, a dream yarn
Donegal tweed… Ha ! Ireland ! Breathtaking landscapes, heartwarming welcome from its inhabitants, vibrant pubs, music, dance, folklore and leprechaun ! And above all of course… Irish yarn !
I have recently published my website It is created all by myself and I must admit that I was a bit shy to unveil it… There is still a lot that I have to learn. I hope you will be forgiving of its shortcomings.
It is a work in progress but I can finally share my passion with you! And what better way, to celebrate this all important accomplisment, than to present you with one of my favorite yarns, the gorgeous irish tweed.
Donegal tweed: a quality yarn
I thought I would introduce this tweed at the beginning of the winter but there is no better moment than the present, so there it is ! Also, it is July in Brittany and whilst the south of France is baking in 35° celcius plus, we manage here a mere 20° at the peak of the day… So this type of wool is not so irrelevant…
I am certain that you do not deserve less than a high quality yarn so… irish wool, particularly Donegal tweed, is a must have.
It is an ecological yarn, 100% naturel, made of very fine fibers. It breathes, it is durable and confortable. Also, it does adapt to different climates. Indeed, wool isolates from the cold but also from the heat, thanks to its ondulating fibres which imprison a large quantity of air (about 70%).
As if that was not enough, this yarn is also superb! It is a blend of usually 2 colours of fibers to which are added contrasted flecks of different fibers which are then spun in. It does give it a sporty and relaxed look while being sophisticated. Yes, gentlemen and ladies!
Whilst first created it was rather rustic and made for outdoors wearing. It has since evoluted and you can now still find the beautiful rustic yarn but also a softer version, slightly felted, that can be worn next to the skin.

Irish wool, a yarn of tradition
Firstly, a little bit of history. This great lady of Irish tradition does deserve it!
The county of Donegal is comprised of some of the oldest rocks of Ireland. Its landscape is not really favourable to agriculture but is perfect to raise muttons.
As early as the beginning of the 19th century, in the cottages situated in the south west of Donegal, locals work the wool. They spin it, knit it, dye it and weave it. They use a mixture of native and imported wool. At the beginning, they use it primarily for their personal use and it is locally sold. It is a very high quality yarn and becomes very desirable. Indeed, it provides a high protection against the elements and it is also very resistant. So it is that it finally reaches overseas and is now exported all over the world.
To this day, this irish yarn has retained its integrity and quality. The tweed I use comes straight from this country of legends and story telling.
My creations in Donegal tweed
I know I repeat myself, but Donegal tweed is reallly one of my favourite yarns. I love working with it. It is incredibly lovely to the touch and a real treat to the eyes. What more to ask? I have recently received a few skeins. So here it goes! Crochet shawls, knitted shawls, hats, mittens… I might even make a beautiful irish jumper. One irish sweater might become two or more… Who knows where that dream yarn is going to take me!
All is Made in Brittany from my caravan… Well, being right in the middle of a renovation, this will have to do for the moment. Indeed, Rome was not built in one day, I’ve been told. And so will not be the renovation of my (not so grand) 16th century manor (no tower, but also no floors, no doors, no windows… Ha! The joys of camping out!)
I am currently seated, knitting, under my beautiful oak. It is all so peaceful on this beautiful sunny day. But wait… Can you hear it ? Carried by the soft wind? A melodious and irresistible music… Yes, it is a fiddle! Ireland, country of inspiration, is calling me, bewitching me! I cannot wait for the winter… Let me offer you now her treasures. Meet me in my boutique..