Hand knitted wrist warmers, made of 100% ARTISANAL yarns. Despite not having any openings for fingers, they are sometimes also called fingerless gloves, or sleeves.
Wrist warmers made of artisanal yarn
For those hand knitted wrist warmers, I went digging in my yarns stash. Those yarns that I bought at la fête de la laine in Bulat-Pestivien last year. (By the way, I cannot wait for the 17th of August, when I can return to my favorite local event… Ooooooh, only the thought of it!)
Indeed, why go further away when I have everything here, at arm’s reach? Let’s keep things local, responsable and ethical!
Right, back to my muttons, as they say in french.
Manner of speaking, isn’t it, as I digged up in my treasure chest and came out with those two pure wool skeins, acquired at La Fibre Textile stall. If you have previously read my article titled A HANDMADE HAT you already know that it is an association open “to all people passionate about textile arts and all activities linked to the work of tetile fibers”. Trust me, there is no shortage of those addicts of the noble fleece!
These are 100% artisanal yarns, 100% MADE IN FRANCE ! More pointedly Made in Brittany. Furthermore each skein is unique, lovingly fabricated in very small quantity, spun and hand dyed. They come from animals also reared locally.
Now, all I’ve got to do is decide what to create with them…

Hand knitted wrist warmer, hat, headband?
Actually, those skeins are quite small… which make them even more precious!
Do I have enough to make a headband? Yep… Maybe a hat? Yes, but no… Do not feel like it. Fingeless gloves? Maybe… Mmmm….
EUREKA !!! I know. No gloves, no hat, no headband but some WRIST WARMERS! Also called sleeves, hand knitted!
First, I transform my beautiful skeins into balls, second I get the right needles out, thrirdly I let imagination take its course… Got it! I am starting with a latvian braid, following with an helical knitting method to mix my 2 yarns… Then I pick a third yarn out of my stash for a few rows of fair isle. Finally I end with a latvian braid cast off.
Et voilà ! All is left to do is to take a few pictures for my online boutique. And that, my dears, is a all lot of another affair…